Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Jan. 21, 2014 (GKD) I Appreciate You

I was playing around this morning, before I had to leave for an eye doc appointment, and this is what I did.  I used Gina Design's set, that I received, last April, and is called "I Appreciate You".  This was stamped on white CS, cut with a Spellbinder's die, and colored with Copics.  A little touch of ribbon added  after I sponged the area around the image.  Quick and fun to make.

Thank you for visiting!


Vicki Dutcher said...

Lovely tree and card - love the layout too

Cheri said...

Clean and simple at it's finest, Karen! Awesome card!

Rosie Guiher said...

Love it Karen. Thanks for the idea that you left on my blog.

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